Patch Details

This page provides all the essential information you need about the latest updates. Each patch is designed to enhance your experience, improve performance, and strengthen security.

🗃️ Modified Files

  • 📁 frameworks/qb/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 inventories/codem_inventory/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 inventories/ox_inventory/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 inventories/ps-inventory/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 inventories/qb-inventory/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 inventories/qs-inventory/

    • client.lua

  • 📁 utils/client/

    • cache.lua

  • fxmanifest.lua

⚙️ Changes

  • Opening Qbox Boss Menu - Opening Qbox boss menu in scripts like ambulance and police has been patched to accommodate export changes in comparison to QBCore.

  • Added Inventory Function - A function responsible for opening other player’s inventory has been added to the bridge for future updates to other scripts.

Last updated