
Common issues in regards to 'wasabi_carlock' and 'qb-core'

SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-core/client/events.lua:129

If you are receiving this error on the client-side of your QBCore server, it was resolved in a recent update on their github(commit)

If you do not with to update simply:

  1. Navigate to qb-core/client/events.lua

RegisterNetEvent('QBCore:Client:VehicleInfo', function(info)
    local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(info.vehicle)
    local data = {
        vehicle = NetToVeh(info.netid),
        seat = info.seat,
        name = info.modelName,
        plate = plate,
        driver = GetPedInVehicleSeat(info.vehicle, -1),
        inseat = GetPedInVehicleSeat(info.vehicle, info.seat),
        haskeys = exports['qb-vehiclekeys']:HasKeys()
    TriggerEvent('QBCore:Client:'..info.event..'Vehicle', data)
Replace with:
RegisterNetEvent('QBCore:Client:VehicleInfo', function(info)
    local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(info.vehicle)
    local hasKeys = true
    if GetResourceState('qb-vehiclekeys') == 'started' then
        hasKeys = exports['qb-vehiclekeys']:HasKeys()
    local data = {
        vehicle = info.vehicle,
        seat = info.seat,
        name = info.modelName,
        plate = plate,
        driver = GetPedInVehicleSeat(info.vehicle, -1),
        inseat = GetPedInVehicleSeat(info.vehicle, info.seat),
        haskeys = hasKeys
    TriggerEvent('QBCore:Client:'..info.event..'Vehicle', data)

Last updated