An immersive and unique multiplayer yacht heist!
From hijacking a jetski to taking a hostage and escaping via helicopter, this heist is a way to truly elevate your roleplay experience!
Heist Preparation To prepare for the yacht robbery, players must hijack a jetski using a mini game to prepare for the heist.
Multiplayer Based Requires a group of at least two to initiate the heist.
Built-In Heist Lobby To make multiplayer heists easier to construct, a tasteful built-in UI lobby where the leader can manage the crew.
Starting Requirements Define the required items and minimum online police to initiate the heist.
Rank & XP System Players can gain XP and achieve different ranks through gameplay.
Individual Ranks & XP XP is tracked individually for each player during the heist.
Police Notifications Cops receive notifications for certain actions, fully configurable with dispatch systems.
Highly Configurable Extensive configuration options available, see the full documentation for details.
Discord Logs Integrated Discord webhook for event logging.
Fully Optimized Script is designed for top performance and efficiency.
Exports & Events Extend the script's functionality using provided exports and events.
Partially Open Source Key parts of the code are open-source for further customization.
Fully Translatable Supports full translation for broader accessibility.
Fully Synced Ensures that actions and status are synchronized across all players.
Last updated