All Wasabi Scripts contain various editable and unobscured files containing, exports, client and server functions, configuration methods and more.
View Configuration
-----------------For support, scripts, and more----------------
--------------- -------------
Config = {}
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- If true, the script will check for updates (Reccomended)
-- Language Options are
-- 'en' (English)
-- 'fr' (French)
-- 'cn' (Chinese Simplified)
-- 'tw' (Chinese Traditional)
-- 'de' (German)
-- 'it' (Italian)
-- 'jp' (Japanese)
-- 'ko' (Korean)
-- 'pl' (Polish)
-- 'pt' (Portuguese)
-- 'es' (Spanish)
-- 'hi' (Hindi)
-- 'nl' (Dutch)
-- 'da' (Danish)
-- 'cs' (Czech)
-- If you would like us to add a language, join our discord and create a ticket!
-- All locale strings can be found in /game/configuration/locales/
Config.Language = 'en'
Config.Currency = "$" -- Currency symbol
Config.CurrencySide = 'left' -- Currency symbol side (left | right)
Config.TebexPackageID = 000000 -- To get the package ID, log in to Tebex, navigate to the "Packages" section, select the package, and find the numeric ID in the URL
Config.CharacterSlots = {
normalSlots = 4,
vipSlots = 1
Config.SpawnOptions = {
defaultSpawn = vector4(-1035.01, -2737.0, 13.76, 328.61), -- Default spawn location if the spawn selector is disabled after character creation
skipSpawnSelector = true, -- If true, the script will skip the spawn selector and spawn the player in the last spawn
useCustomSpawnSelector = false, -- If true you need to set on sv_customize.lua the trigger to open the spawn selector
Config.LogoutCommand = {
onlyStaff = true, -- If true, only staff members can use the command
name = "logout", -- Command to logout from the character
description = "Logout from the character", -- Command description
Config.DefaultNationalityForOldCharacters =
"American" -- For the characters that already exist in the users table for ESX ONLY
Config.JobStyles = {
['police'] = {
icon = 'policeicon.png',
image = 'police.png',
color = '#0075FF37',
border = '#0085FF',
['ambulance'] = {
icon = 'medicalicon.png',
image = 'medical.png',
color = '#CB196F37',
border = '#FF007A',
['mechanic'] = {
icon = 'mechanicicon.png',
image = 'mechanic.png',
color = '#FFA50037',
border = '#FF8C00',
Config.SpawnScenes = {
['apartment1'] = {
pedHiddenSpawn = vector4(-67.76, -811.92, 285.0, 315.09), -- Ped position to load the interior
pedPositions = { -- Make sure to add the same amount as slots, otherwise it won't show the character on the camera
camera = vector4(-65.82, -824.70, 285.6, 160.24), -- Camera position
coords = vector4(-66.55, -826.9, 285.6, 340.19), -- Ped position
anim = "amb@world_human_leaning@male@wall@back@foot_up@idle_a", -- Animation dictionary
dict = "idle_a" -- Animation name
camera = vector4(-65.72, -822.35, 285.85, 250.43),
coords = vector4(-63.40, -823.18, 285.25, 70.72),
anim = "anim@amb@facility@briefing_room@seating@male@var_d@",
dict = "idle_c"
camera = vector4(-65.77, -822.78, 285.85, 339.31),
coords = vector4(-65.05, -820.75, 285.25, 172.52),
anim = "anim@arena@amb@seating@seat_d@",
dict = "base"
camera = vector4(-67.11, -825.90, 285.2, 69.67),
coords = vector4(-70.4, -824.73, 285.0, 248.51),
anim = "amb@world_human_push_ups@male@idle_a",
dict = "idle_d"
Last updated