All Wasabi Scripts contain various editable and unobscured files containing, exports, client and server functions, configuration methods and more.
Main Configuration
This is the main configuration settings. An example of the default FiveM map can be found in "Map Configuration".
-----------------For support, scripts, and more----------------
--------------- -------------
Config = {}
Config.Robberies = {}
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- Check for updates (Recommended, if you want to be notified when a new version is released)
Config.ImgDirectory = 'ox_inventory/web/images/'
-- Locale Options are
-- 'en' (English)
-- 'fr' (French)
-- 'cn' (Chinese Simplified)
-- 'tw' (Chinese Traditional)
-- 'de' (German)
-- 'it' (Italian)
-- 'jp' (Japanese)
-- 'ko' (Korean)
-- 'pl' (Polish)
-- 'pt' (Portuguese)
-- 'es' (Spanish)
-- 'hi' (Hindi)
-- 'nl' (Dutch)
-- 'da' (Danish)
-- 'cs' (Czech)
-- If you would like us to add a language, join our discord and create a ticket!
-- All locale strings can be found in /config/locales/
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Cooldown = 60 * 60 * 1 -- Cooldown in seconds
Config.GlobalCooldown = true -- If true, the cooldown will be global & only 1 fleeca can be robbed at a time, if false, cooldown is per fleeca
Config.AlwaysLocked = false -- If true, the doors will be locked all the time, otherwise only when the robbery started
Config.ThermiteTime = 5000 -- Time in ms to burn the door after all animations are done
Config.C4Time = 5000 -- Time in ms to detonate the C4 after placement animations are done
Config.MinimumCops = { -- Minimum amount of cops required to start the robbery
jobs = { 'police', },
amount = 1,
Config.End = {
death = { -- End robbery if player dies
enabled = true
distance = { -- End robbery if player goes out of distance
enabled = true,
radius = 150.0 -- Out of distance radius
timer = { -- End robbery if timer runs out
enabled = true,
seconds = 600,
show = true, -- Show timer to the robber
Config.Selling = {
enabled = true,
coords = vector3(147.7744, -2201.8948, 3.6880),
npcModel = 'u_m_m_aldinapoli',
heading = 86.5151,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = { -- Items that can be sold
['diamond'] = { label = 'Diamond', price = 5000 }, -- Price is per 1
['gold_bar'] = { label = 'Gold Bar', price = 2500 },
Config.CopsNotifications = {
jobs = { 'police', },
onRobbertyStart = {
title = 'Active Robbery',
desc = 'Fleeca Bank is being robbed! Hurry!',
---@type table Only change these if you have changed the name of a resource
Resources = {
OXTarget = { name = 'ox_target', export = 'all' },
QBTarget = { name = 'qb-target', export = 'all' },
MKALasers = { name = 'mka-lasers', export = false },
Only change this, if you have changed the name of a map you're using.
The name must be the same as the name of the map in the [resources].
Inserting a different name will break the script.
Key of MapNames MUST be the same of the Config.Robberies.KEYHERE in order to detect.
Do NOT change the value of the key, only the value of the map.
MapNames = {
FM = 'cfx-fm-fleeca-banks-v2',
GABZ = 'cfx-gabz-fleeca'
Map Configuration
This is the default map configuration. We have a variety of configurations for other maps such as K4MB1, FM Shop, and Gabz.
Config.Robberies.DEFAULT = {
fleecaOne = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(149.629761, -1037.230835, 29.3386),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(150.8438, -1037.5954, 29.4990),
rotation = vector3(vec3(0.0, -0.0, 160.0)),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(149.03, -1047.15, 29.32),
rotation = vector3(vec3(0.0, -0.0, 158.0)),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(146.881, -1047.519, 29.58),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 75.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(146.586, -1048.322, 29.585),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 75.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(147.877, -1050.958, 29.578),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 165.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(147.26, -1046.25, 29.57),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, -110.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(150.376, -1044.808, 29.579),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -20.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(149.564, -1044.51, 29.59),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -20.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(151.542, -1046.427, 29.583),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, 0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(151.268, -1047.175, 29.587),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, 0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(146.8862, -1049.8385, 28.3463),
heading = -75.0,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(149.7682, -1051.0011, 28.3464),
heading = 21.0,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(148.4895, -1049.1805, 29.1909),
heading = -25.0,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(148.502, -1046.548, 29.486),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(146.329, -1049.993, 31.325),
{ vector3(149.861, -1051.687, 28.385), vector3(148.758, -1050.715, 28.346), vector3(147.077, -1049.622, 28.346), vector3(147.614, -1048.173, 28.346), vector3(149.075, -1047.377, 28.346), vector3(150.219, -1047.822, 28.346), vector3(150.456, -1049.778, 28.346) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(135.705, -1046.496, 29.611),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -19.0),
cams = {
{ x = 153.181, y = -1042.19, z = 31.07, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 60.09020996094 } },
{ x = 143.089, y = -1040.407, z = 31.57, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 260.09020996094 } },
{ x = 142.664, y = -1041.559, z = 31.57, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 210.09020996094 } },
{ x = 144.977, y = -1042.996, z = 31.357, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 190.09020996094 } },
{ x = 151.095, y = -1047.011, z = 31.476, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 45.09020996094 } },
fleecaTwo = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(-1215.386230, -328.523712, 38.132111),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-1214.2805, -327.9057, 37.7810),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -154.0),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-1208.5898, -335.6498, 37.7593),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -156.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-1209.703, -337.609, 38.176),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 113.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1209.341, -338.325, 38.203),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 113.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1205.556, -335.684, 38.19),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -67.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1205.159, -336.468, 38.191),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -67.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-1210.38, -336.39, 37.983),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -60.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-1210.468, -333.718, 38.197),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 26.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1209.717, -333.338, 38.186),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 26.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1208.988, -332.968, 38.198),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 26.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1207.356, -333.391, 38.2),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -68.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-1207.01, -334.075, 38.206),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -68.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(-1208.0510, -339.1881, 36.7592),
heading = 344.8421,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(-1205.1810, -337.7054, 36.7593),
heading = 58.3372,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(-1207.3746, -337.4893, 37.6038),
heading = 200.0,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(-1209.33, -335.697, 37.921),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(-1204.846, -337.815, 39.767),
{ vector3(-1208.057, -335.728, 36.759), vector3(-1205.266, -336.418, 36.759), vector3(-1206.629, -339.102, 36.759), vector3(-1209.219, -338.254, 36.759), vector3(-1208.05, -335.735, 36.759), vector3(-1207.161, -337.328, 37.609), vector3(-1206.392, -338.938, 36.759), vector3(-1207.152, -337.325, 37.609), vector3(-1208.048, -335.753, 36.759) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(-1211.3393, -337.2661, 42.5771),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 27.0),
cams = {
{ x = -1209.4890136719, y = -329.34002685547, z = 39.588017272949, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 100.09020996094 } },
{ x = -1217.3563232422, y = -335.12878417969, z = 39.753937530518, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -15.027630805969 } },
{ x = -1216.5324707031, y = -336.79141235352, z = 40.064400482178, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -85.775436401367 } },
{ x = -1207.5627441406, y = -334.22253417969, z = 39.892269897461, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 106.23242950439 } },
{ x = -1205.1380615234, y = -337.86889648438, z = 40.070160675049, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 67.059226989746 } },
fleecaThree = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(-2965.821289, 481.629669, 16.048162),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-2965.8250, 482.8901, 15.6960),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, -92.0),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-2956.1846, 484.0516, 15.6753),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, -96.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-2954.809, 482.148, 15.912),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 177.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2954.097, 482.117, 15.912),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 177.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2953.817, 486.625, 15.92),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2954.4, 486.65, 15.919),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-2956.51, 482.15, 15.8971),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 0.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-2958.855, 483.438, 15.911),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 87.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2958.83, 484.022, 15.918),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 87.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2958.801, 484.698, 15.914),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 87.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2957.817, 486.229, 15.905),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-2957.254, 486.205, 15.912),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(-2952.9897, 482.8459, 14.6754),
heading = 37.774563,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(-2952.9619, 486.0139, 14.6754),
heading = 128.715897,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(-2954.2114, 484.5827, 15.5199),
heading = -94.179665,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(-2956.579, 483.436, 15.79),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(-2952.739, 482.404, 17.714),
{ vector3(-2955.982, 482.685, 14.675), vector3(-2955.849, 484.275, 14.675), vector3(-2955.641, 486.209, 14.675), vector3(-2954.177, 486.653, 14.675), vector3(-2952.325, 485.267, 14.675), vector3(-2952.747, 483.329, 14.675), vector3(-2954.397, 482.332, 14.675) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(-2948.014, 481.364, 15.639),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 88.0),
cams = {
{ x = -2962.19, y = 486.476, z = 17.399, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 130.09020996094 } },
{ x = -2960.804, y = 476.381, z = 17.899, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 10.027630805969 } },
{ x = -2959.605, y = 476.328, z = 17.899, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -50.775436401367 } },
{ x = -2958.886, y = 478.919, z = 17.686, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 310.23242950439 } },
{ x = -2956.931, y = 485.982, z = 17.805, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 140.059226989746 } },
fleecaFour = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(313.958710, -275.596527, 54.515862),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(315.1759, -276.0, 54.1643),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, 160.0),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(313.3612, -285.5100, 54.1431),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, 162.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(311.216, -285.878, 54.384),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 71.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(310.921, -286.684, 54.381),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 71.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(314.985, -288.873, 54.385),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(315.276, -288.079, 54.389),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(311.6100, -284.62, 54.3648),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -107.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(313.879, -282.87, 54.384),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -16.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(314.702, -283.171, 54.394),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -16.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(315.883, -284.77, 54.391),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -108.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(315.606, -285.524, 54.399),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -108.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(311.3193, -288.1283, 53.1431),
heading = -68.955566,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(314.0689, -289.2868, 53.1431),
heading = 18.502348,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(312.8369, -287.4865, 53.9876),
heading = 161.916809,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(312.86, -284.924, 54.264),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(310.703, -288.288, 56.186),
{ vector3(311.648, -288.584, 53.143), vector3(312.607, -288.668, 53.143), vector3(313.524, -288.801, 53.143), vector3(314.589, -288.564, 53.143), vector3(314.792, -287.729, 53.143), vector3(314.794, -286.617, 53.143), vector3(313.905, -286.431, 53.143), vector3(313.343, -285.798, 53.143), vector3(312.221, -285.754, 53.143), vector3(311.653, -286.299, 53.143), vector3(311.433, -287.255, 53.143), vector3(311.45, -287.993, 53.143) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(306.205, -227.673, 54.508),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, 0.0, -23.0),
cams = {
{ x = 317.497, y = -280.539, z = 55.867, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 50.09020996094 } },
{ x = 307.44, y = -278.756, z = 56.367, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -70.027630805969 } },
{ x = 307.029, y = -279.89, z = 56.367, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -120.775436401367 } },
{ x = 309.293, y = -281.369, z = 56.154, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 230.23242950439 } },
{ x = 315.432, y = -285.371, z = 56.273, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 50.059226989746 } },
fleecaFive = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(-351.259796, -46.412209, 49.387650),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-350.0250, -46.7967, 49.0368),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, 0.0, 160.0),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-351.7191, -56.3423, 49.0148),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, 162.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-354.254, -57.981, 49.254),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 71.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-353.967, -57.153, 49.253),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 71.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-350.002, -59.664, 49.247),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-349.727, -58.873, 49.253),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -110.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(-353.45, -55.48, 49.2370),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, 0.0, -106.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(-351.592, -53.554, 49.265),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -16.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-350.812, -53.825, 49.261),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -16.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-349.177, -55.552, 49.264),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -108.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(-349.445, -56.323, 49.267),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -108.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(-353.8910, -59.0176, 48.0148),
heading = -68.955566,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(-350.8546, -60.1178, 48.0148),
heading = 18.502348,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(-352.2050, -58.4065, 48.8601),
heading = -19.187307,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(-352.177, -55.764, 49.112),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(-354.275, -59.168, 51.022),
{ vector3(-353.704, -59.014, 48.015), vector3(-352.694, -59.407, 48.015), vector3(-351.593, -59.672, 48.015), vector3(-350.672, -59.518, 48.015), vector3(-350.321, -58.571, 48.015), vector3(-350.948, -57.494, 48.015), vector3(-351.763, -57.146, 48.015), vector3(-352.877, -57.146, 48.015), vector3(-353.559, -58.313, 48.015) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(-356.126, -50.662, 54.607),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, -108.0),
cams = {
{ x = -347.628, y = -51.288, z = 50.739, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 50.09020996094 } },
{ x = -357.707, y = -49.688, z = 51.239, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -70.027630805969 } },
{ x = -358.078, y = -50.817, z = 51.239, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -120.775436401367 } },
{ x = -355.834, y = -52.267, z = 51.026, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 230.23242950439 } },
{ x = -349.617, y = -56.16, z = 51.145, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 50.059226989746 } },
fleecaSix = {
start = {
door = {
model = -1152174184,
coords = vector3(1176.494751, 2703.612793, 38.439110),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
{ item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
doors = {
entrance = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(1175.1962, 2703.5556, 38.1428),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -0.0),
ironDoor = {
action = 'c4',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(1173.6521, 2713.1286, 38.0662),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(1172.587, 2717.104, 38.315),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, 0.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(1173.429, 2717.104, 38.315),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, 0.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
movingDoors = {
vault = {
action = 'laptop',
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'laptop', label = 'Laptop', amount = 1, remove = false },
scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
coords = vector3(1175.61, 2712.8992, 38.2881),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0),
lockers = {
coords = vector3(1174.047, 2710.469, 38.316),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -175.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(1173.183, 2710.469, 38.314),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, -175.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(1171.531, 2711.582, 38.316),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 95.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
coords = vector3(1171.531, 2712.38, 38.312),
rotation = vector3(-0.0, -0.0, 95.0),
requiredItems = {
{ item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
items = {
-- { item = 'black_money', label = 'Black Money', min = 1000, max = 5000 }, -- Example if you want to give item(s)
trollies = {
model = 'ch_prop_gold_trolly_01a',
coords = vector3(1174.8260, 2716.3728, 37.0663),
heading = 131.438995,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'gold_bar', label = 'Gold Bar', min = 10, max = 25 },
model = 'ch_prop_diamond_trolly_01c',
coords = vector3(1171.6611, 2716.3401, 37.0663),
heading = -138.901611,
rewards = {
items = {
{ item = 'diamond', label = 'Diamond', min = 10, max = 25 },
stacks = {
model = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a',
coords = vector3(1173.4917, 2715.1855, 37.9109),
heading = -0.0,
rewards = {
money = { type = 'bank', min = 25000, max = 50000 },
laserZones = {
deactivate = vector3(1174.328, 2712.748, 38.17),
lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
vector3(1175.196, 2716.696, 40.074),
{ vector3(1174.518, 2716.687, 37.066), vector3(1173.335, 2716.411, 37.066), vector3(1172.258, 2716.224, 37.066), vector3(1171.44, 2715.823, 37.066), vector3(1171.544, 2714.726, 37.066), vector3(1172.004, 2713.869, 37.066), vector3(1172.993, 2713.748, 37.066), vector3(1174.095, 2713.791, 37.066), vector3(1174.613, 2714.86, 37.066), vector3(1174.671, 2715.655, 37.066) },
{ travelTimeBetweenTargets = { 1.0, 1.0 }, waitTimeAtTargets = { 0.0, 0.0 }, randomTargetSelection = false, name = "laser1" },
cameras = {
enabled = true,
open = {
everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
jobs = { 'police', },
coords = vector3(1158.136, 2708.957, 38.402),
rotation = vector3(0.0, -0.0, -90.0),
cams = {
{ x = 1171.492, y = 2707.038, z = 39.79, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 230.09020996094 } },
{ x = 1181.527, y = 2708.828, z = 40.29, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 100.027630805969 } },
{ x = 1181.522, y = 2710.031, z = 40.29, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 70.775436401367 } },
{ x = 1178.894, y = 2710.642, z = 40.077, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 70.23242950439 } },
{ x = 1171.759, y = 2712.289, z = 40.196, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 240.059226989746 } },
Last updated