If using Config.GangSystem = 'esx' , you must make this small edit to your esx_gangs resource.
Open esx_gangs/server.lua and scroll all the way to the bottom and add a new line.
Add the following code to the bottom of the server lua:
RegisterNetEvent('esx_gangs:server:KickPlayer', function(id)
if type(source) == "number" and source > 0 then return end
RegisterNetEvent('esx_gangs:server:InvitePlayer', function(id, gang)
if type(source) == "number" and source > 0 then return end
InvitePlayer(id, gang)
Register Gangs
Give yourself gpadmin
Open phone and fill the gang details and ServerID of the gang leader
Now you can see that the gang is created successfully
NOTE:You need use the gang data from qb-core/shared/gang.lua for Config.GangSystem ='qb'
Give yourself gpadmin
Open phone and fill the gang details and ServerID of the gang leader
Now you can see that the gang is created successfully